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HR圈内市场合作 HR圈内招聘网VIP用户群


2018-05-15 21:48

来源: 原创

本文同时发布到:招聘 HR HR主管级

1、 负责公司职能、技术中高端职位的招聘,根据公司业务发展和招聘需求制定招聘计划;
3、根据岗位JD进行职位分析,制定详细的寻访方案,建立人才搜寻渠道;通过各渠道评估、筛 选,推荐合适的候选人;
4、 候选人面试安排、结果反馈、offer等入职后续跟踪服务工作;
企业介绍Company Profile
      北京首汽智行科技有限公司由北京首汽(集团)股份有限公司(简称“首汽集团”)控股,主打品牌 “Gofun出行”是首汽集团针对移动出行推出的一款新能源共享汽车产品,同时是 “绿色出行”、“共享经济”商业模式的全新尝试。随着新能源技术的发展以及国家对新兴产业政策的推动,新能源车共享汽车将拥有良好可期的发展前景。Gofun出行对促进新能源汽车推广应用、推动汽车共享模式创新发展、降低私人小客车使用强度、缓解交通拥堵和减少交通污染排放等方面具有重要意义,被评选为首汽集团、首旅集团及北京市国资委的优秀创新项目。
  Beijing Shou Qi Tech Co., Ltd. is held by Beijing Shou Qi Group Corporation (“Shou Qi Group”). Its mainstay brand, Gofun Travel, is a new energy car-sharing brand and also a trial of Green Travel and Sharing Economy. With the development of new energy technology and the national policies for new industries, there is a promising future for new energy car-sharing. Gofun travel has played a significant role in promoting the popularization and application of new energy vehicles, promoting the innovation and development of car-sharing mode, reducing the use intensity of private passenger car, easing traffic congestion, reducing traffic pollution emissions and other aspects. It was recognized an excellent innovation project of Shou Qi Group, Shou Lv Group and Beijing SASAC. 
   Gofun Travel, with many years of experience and advantages of Shou Qi Group in travel services, will respond to the government’s call and commit itself to integrate users’ fragmental travel needs in this new trend of new energy & Internet of Cars and to provide convenient, green, fast and cost-efficient travel services. With Gofun Travel, cars will have no fixed owners and you can use an app to operate them whenever you want a car; time-based rent meets your needs. Now cars are distributed across China. With 15,000 cars in more than 20 cities, Gofun is leading the industry. The era of car-sharing is coming. We will continue to deploy more cars in China and achieve rapid development.



